Developing Leaders

“God is the Ultimate Leader, and He calls every believer to lead others.He has called us to participate in His plan of redemption and to lead others as we follow Him. While there is a gift of leadership, you need not possess that gift to exert your influence in a Christ-like way.  Leadership is influence – nothing more, nothing less.If you are being salt and light as Jesus commanded, then you have begun to obey God’s call to leadership.”   John Maxwell

Discovering God's purpose for your life

NorCal engages in a leadership process within local churches, utilizing Vantage Point 3 materials designed to encourage individuals to live and serve like Jesus. Participants that have engaged in the practices have noted an increase in their spiritual depth, Christ-like character and passion for ministry.

Here is a review from one church's experience with The Emerging Journey - 

“For more than 30 years, I’ve been involved in the work of helping people take root in Christ and grow in their spiritual maturity.I’ve longed for a resource that had the right combination of things to catalyze growth; good biblical teaching, vital personal reflection and thoughtful, intelligent content. May I be so bold as to say,I think I’ve found such a resource.Last year, 40 people at White River Christian Church assembled in four small groups and began The Emerging Journey process.At the end of the 26 weeks,we had nearly 0% attrition!But more importantly, we listened to people who told us that they had tasted, some for the first time, real Christian community. They met God in their own personal stories. They became more clear about who God had created them to be and his purpose for their lives.”

Beth Booram – Indianapolis, IN


To emerge and equip servant-leaders who will stay the course for a lifetime of service to God's Kingdom.


To facilitate a lifelong church-based process which identifies and develops men and women committed to understanding how they have been “created in Christ” and “called according to His purpose”, and desire to use their influence to accomplish God's mission.


The Emerging Journey (Year One) addresses significant questions related to spiritual and character formation. How has God shaped and formed you?How have you been “created in Christ”? Who acknowledges and encourages you? The approach involves daily study, weekly small-group discussion, two seminars, two overnight retreats, and a challenge experience.

The Equipping Experience (Year Two) is an important follow-up to year one. What is God calling you to? Where is Jesus asking you to be like Him, “as one who serves”? Participants confirm their God-given strengths and develop a missional direction and strategy for others to follow; learning to serve through a team approach.


Each church involved assembles at least one group of eight to twelve participants, including a facilitator who serves as the group leader. This training is church friendly, practical and transformative.


  • Covering 9 months, September-May

  • Individual study and preparation - 2 hrs/wk

  • Meeting with small group for team building and discussion - 2 hrs/wk

  • Personal meeting with a mentor - 1 hr bi-weekly

  • Participants are encouraged to enroll with a one-year-at-a-time mindset, as each successive level of training is optional. Year One is critical and appropriate for all committed Christians!

Contact Kent Carlson, NorCal Regional Minister, for more information.